Daily Workout - July 19, 2017
Warm-up Med. Ball Jump Squat x 10 Lunge and Touch x 5 ea. leg Med. Ball Slams x 10 Century Workout (Partner Works while Partner Rests)...

Daily Workout - July 18, 2017
Station Circuits 3 sets each @ :30 sec. on, :15 sec. off *Medicine Ball Stations* Russian Twist Med. Ball Slams Wall Ball *Barbell...

Daily Workout - July 17, 2017
:30 seconds on :15 seconds for each exercise x 3 times through each circuit Circuit 1 Kettelbell High Pulls Airdyne bike Inverted Row...

Daily Workout - July 14, 2017
Core-Cardio-Metabolic-Core-Cardio (section 1) C - 50 Straight Leg Crunches C - Treadmill TABATA :15/:15 x 8 M - (10 Body Weight Squats +...

Daily Workout - July 13, 2017
Warm-up 5:00 minute airdyne or row at medium pace Part #1 Cardio: 50 Jump Rope 150m Rowing :60 sec Treadmill run (med/fast pace) Part...

10 Practical Tips to Fit Fitness into Your Busy Life
What's the No. 1 excuse for not working out? Lack of time. Sure, we're all busy handling multiple priorities and rushing around from here...

Small Achievements Lead to Big Accomplishments...
Wake up with a plan this morning! Small achievements lead to big accomplishments so stop in and check us out soon! Our seasoned...

5 Quick and Easy Zucchini Snacks That Satisfy Junk Food Cravings
If you are like us, you are looking for something to nibble on while watching your favorite TV show... or attending a party... or even...